Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Life is Beautiful 185.

Murthy was waiting  in the reception counter  of Sheraton Hotel.Since Ram stayed there most of the peole knows Ram.The reception counter staff welcomed him.Murthy came and greeted Ram.
You are very punctual .i admire your punctuality
Ram.Thank you for your compliment Murthy. Murthy took him to the dining hall.Where Lizioli his principle was waiting for Ram.
Murthy.Meet Mr,Lizioli.
Ram.Nice to see you .
Lizioli.Murthy told about you Mr,Ram.It is my pleasure to meet you.Let us order .For a change today i will have Indian style dishes.Murthy you can order
Murthy.Yes Mr,Lizioli.I will order.He ordered indian dishes including Naan.
Lizioli.Dubai is a nice place.Country has developed  dramatically over the years.Arabs are very nice and their hospitality is too good.Luckily we got good sponserer for our project.
Ram.Yes,Dubai is a nice place.It connects Middle east and North Africa.Many companies have base in Dubai.
Lizioli.That was the reason we want to start a plant here.Hopefully with in six months time our plant will be ready.
Ram.Wishing you all the best for your new venture.
Lizioli.Yesterday i saw your channel's news.The coverage of Lalu prasad  was nice..In our country also scams and corruption is too much.Berlusconi has spoiled our couny's image.
Ram.I know.Italy is known for fashion and the famous Vatican .If i am right their collections are the highest in the World.
Lizioli.You are right.Next is your Balaji Tirupathi.
Ram.You know our Balaji.
Lizioli.Yes i read and seen in T.V..Murthy the food was excellent.Ram i love knowledgable people  and that was the reason i wanted to meet you.
Ram.It is  my pleasure too.I thank Murthy for the nice introduction.
Lizioli.I wanted to visit your office .
Ram.You are most welcome.You tell me one day in advance.
Lizioli.Day after tomorrow will it be alright.Ram.Fine,Fixed.I will inform Murthy what time you can come to our office.
After that they discussed various topics.Lizioli was very much impressed with Ram's beautiful talk and presenting things.Then Ram departed to his house by a cab.
(to be continued).
See You Next Week,

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