Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tribute 788

Tribute to my friend Kumar 788 Today, I feel compelled to express my sentiments regarding a dear friend I met in the UAE during my years of employment there. Our friendship spans over two decades, having initially been forged through our respective grandchildren, who were schoolmates in the UAE. His children attended the same school as my grandson. Kumar, a man of smiles, intelligence, and knowledge, left a lasting impression on me. He, along with his wife, visited our home on several occasions. What struck me about Kumar was not only his warm demeanor but also his keen interest in reading my articles published in prominent UAE newspapers. His encouragement and engaging conversations, coupled with his profound insights into market conditions and corporate matters, were truly remarkable. I had the pleasure of visiting his office, which belonged to a leading multinational corporation, for official purposes on a few occasions. After several years, my time in the UAE came to an end, and I returned to my hometown. Kumar also moved to Saudi Arabia but eventually returned to the UAE. About a year ago, I received heartwarming news through my daughter. Kumar had come back to India and settled in our vicinity, with plans to visit our home soon. When he and his wife finally graced our home with their presence, I was elated to see Kumar's ever-present warm smile. After hours of catching up, he extended a gracious invitation to his own house. I accepted his offer, and he personally picked me up from the metro station and escorted me to his home. It was there that I had the pleasure of reuniting with his daughter, who had been a bright and intelligent student during her school days, qualities she had clearly retained into adulthood. Our time together was marked by the same spirit of camaraderie we had shared for years. Following our visit, Kumar took me to another friend's home, a versatile writer and retired bank professional. We spent over an hour together, and Kumar's hospitality and warmth were truly unforgettable. I must commend Kumar's ability to communicate with grace and his knack for appreciating what is right. Before parting ways, he insisted that I not miss his daughter's upcoming dance performance, a promise he assured to inform me about. I attended the mesmerizing performance and had the pleasure of meeting his son, who had specially flown in from the UK for the occasion. He, too, greeted us warmly. Today, I am delighted to share my thoughts about this unforgettable friend, a testament to his exemplary behavior, hospitality, and innate goodness. I extend my heartfelt wishes to him and his family for a future filled with happiness, peace, and good health. K. Ragavan 16-10-23 Until We Meet Again Next Week

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