Saturday, July 10, 2010

Letter from my friend Mr,Mahadevan.UAE.

Dear Mr.Ragavan,

Some are remembered on occations for their charisma and fun making.
Some are remembered for gestures for their style and the way they carry themselves.
Some are remembered for the cause they fight for.
Some are remembered for the values they add to the circle around them.

Only a quite few of the millions are remembered for all... We miss u Ragavan...

Your Smile, Your 18, Your warmt, Your caring and more than every thing is the agression you carry all along with you.

May god bless us in seeing you at our 60's for taking rest of our life ahead.


A K Mahadevan

On 7/10/10, Ragavan K wrote:
Article Published in The Gulf today,on 10.July.10.UAE.
July 10, 2010 by krishnamachari ragavan
Old is gold
A friend called me from Dubai enquiring about my retired life.
He had read many negative reports about elderly people. Among all the stages that we pass through in life, old age is very significant.
When old, many feel that they are neglected, while some long for others to talk. If you look at old age with a positive attitude, you will enjoy.
This is an IT age and every thing moves fast. I mingle with paediatric and geriatric friends according to their tastes and expectations.
I should say that I am enjoying this beautiful life God has given.
K. Ragavan

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