Saturday, December 12, 2015


Letter Published in Gulf News UAE on 13,Dec 15Drug prices are too high
Today in the global scenario, medical treatment expenses and drug prices are more expensive, especially in India. Both drugs and hospital expenses are more expensive compared to the per capita income.
Common drugs that cost from two to three rupees from different brands are what is needed. Hypertensive and diabetes drugs should be taken for a life time, but it is not affordable for the common man. Life saving drugs like for cancer, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes and antibiotics should be made available in generic names at affordable prices. Already, inflation on daily commodities is high and interest rates on loans are not encouraging for the middle income group. Senior citizens without pensions and the common man are the main sufferers on this issue. Medical expenses are an issue that should be immediately addressed by the government. Having spent three decades in the pharmaceutical industry, this is my view on drug prices and medical treatment.
From Mr K. Ragavan
Bengaluru, India

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