Monday, September 20, 2021

Tribute 679.

Tribute to InterNational Day of Peace 679. Today I am going to pay tribute to the InterNational day of peace every year on 21 September celebrated throughout the globe started four decades back by the U.N.Council.The concept is nice and peace is very important throughout the World. But in these four decades the international community faced various problems : war,refugee problem,poverty,Violating the LOC between countries,and above all the present Pandemic threatening the entire globe.Despite more advanced developments the globe has witnessed viz,I.T.Revolution,Communication ,Banking Industry ,and many other sectors tremendous development but democratic value is slowly eroding because of dominating nature and greedy attitude every where one has to accept.I have been seeing the dramatic developments over the decades but still human values are not more visible.Each country should progress only with out clashes and every citizen's life should be taken care for Educational sector and health area can bring peace in every country.Once this process was followed by others automatically peace will dominate every where.I hope in the coming days there will be a dramatic change in the global scenario.On the one hand the pandemic taught all of us nothing is permanent and people understood the values of friendship,bonding and longing to meet Community should respect various agreements made earlier for good bilateral and cooperation.Let us forget the past four decades ,in the coming days every one move freely with others and understand the reality.Today peace is the rare commodity with implementing good relation ship with others peace is bound to happen in every country and International level.Then the real International peace happens even though it is not happening now. With Kind Regards, K.Ragavan.

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