Friday, September 25, 2009

Article Published in Gulf today on 26.Sep.09.Uae.(118).

I Have beenusing my laptop frequently,but some times Ifind it difficult to use the touch pad.A nephew provided me with a mouse.
Every day when I go for my evening walk,my grand son would request me to allow him to play with my laptop.
Ialways gave him with one condition that he used it judiciously.This was going on smoothly for many days.
Afew days ago,Ireturned from my walk.Inoticed my laptop kept in my room.Icalled my grandson and asked him why he was not using the laptop.
Normally he would hand it over to me personally.He smiled and replied;The mouse you are using is not of good quality.It's not working.That's the reason Ikept it back.
I remembered my nephew's warning when he gave the mouse.Don't give it to any one else,lest they spoli it.Icould not say any thing to my grandson because he is another 'little mouse.

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