Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Indian Democracy.

My Impression About Our Democracy over others.
1 minute ago | Post edited: 1 minute ago (edit my post)
Well, Iam neither a Political Expert nor Economist.Yet by virtue of My observations i have my own impressions about Democracy concept.If we take the Global Map most of the countries follow this concept.Giving opportunities to every citizen to Govern.Inspite of this i found corruption and dominating nature is more visible through out the world.India, such a vast country with multi languages is nor exempted from this two major factors.Apart from this Illitracy and Below poverty line is yet to be tackled is sad and Pity.The Reason behind,apart from Languages ,Multiparty system is more prelavant is the fact.But one important factor i appreciate the Dramatic growth in Economical and Technology aspects.This can be possible only with our talented visionary Business Tycoons and Professionals .The true Democracy ,each citizen should get the basic aminities Education,Food items in a fair price,water and shelter without any problem.If i compare with other countries the growth and percapita is appreciable.Inspite of Population,corruption,and Political interfearenceour flag is flying high in Global I.T. Map ,W hich no body can deny.To improve the standard of living ,and life style we need dedicted and consciousLeaders to administer.Then only you can see a Powerful Democracy.We need Political will to Demonstrate.

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