Friday, February 12, 2016

Article 442.

Article Published in The Gulf Today UAE on 13Feb 16,(My Article 442)

Funny experience

In our recent friends’ meeting, we discussed various topics and finally came to the subject of unforgettable incidents in our life.

Everyone shared their experiences; some about failure in love, others about how they got cheated.

One talked about a funny experience. He said when he was studying in school, his neighbour wanted him to send money to his relative through Money Order, which was popular in those days.

Under the system, one pays money in the post office and the amount is delivered to the receiver at his place through a postman. 

After a few days, his neighbour called him out and said he had received some money by Money Order and was wondering who had sent it. My friend asked to show the form and was taken aback as he had mentioned the address of the sender’s name itself instead of the recipient by mistake. 
K. Ragavan

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