Saturday, December 3, 2016


Article Published in The Gulf Today UAE on 3 Dec 16,(My Article 494)Surprise gift

I wanted to make a surprise gift to my twin-grandsons on the eve of their 15th birthday. These two children arrived in the UAE when they were three-months old. They have now grown tall and have picked up good manners.

Two days before their birthday exactly at midnight, both these boys rushed to my room shouting “Happy birthday to you.” 

I was pleasantly surprised and happy to know that they remembered my birthday, which falls on the previous day before theirs. 

I was happy that the boys valued family ties despite the hectic world outside where most children are hooked on to social media. 

Next day, I presented my gift and felt touched by their affection.

What more would a retired person desire than the love of the family, especially kids. 
K. Ragavan

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