Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Life is Beautiful 313.

After Kathambari  left Ram was busy with  his work.After few minutes he received a call from Vasanthy
Ram ,Happy B day to you
Ram.Thank you.You remember my Star date.
Vasanthy.How can i for get that.Many Many happy returns of the day.I love you
Ram.I too.Where are you
Vasanthy.I am at home.How was mysore pak.
Ram.It was fine.Thank you for preparing that
Vasanthy.No thank you.It is my pleasure.Why i called you  this friday you can come for lunch.I will tell Kathambari to invite you. i have also not met you long time
Ram.Yes,i too want to see you.
Vasanthy.O.K.Bye now.
After that Atkinson called Ram  to come to his Cabin. Ram reached
Good morning Mr Atkinson,how are you
Atkinson.I am fine. Why i called you was you have to go to India next week to meet a new client located in Bengaluru.
Ram.Good,It 's long time i visited India.
Atkinson.The details i will mail you.I will make arrangements for your ticket .You are flying by Emirates.
Atkinson.You may have to stay there for two days.
Atkinson.For this only i called.We will meet after you return from India.Tcare bye now
Ram.You too.
After that Ram reached his room.Immediately he received a call .it was from Murthy
Ram,how are you
Ram.I am fine.Tell me Murthy
Murthy.Ram,Our Company Completing  twenty five years on next Wednesday.We are celebrating  and some of our overseas Principles are attending.I want you and Mr Atkinson to come for this function.I will call Atkinson  personally.
Ram.Good news Murthy.I am happy .How long you are  in this Company.
Murthy.From the begining.After finishing my studies i joined.Seen the growth over the years.I am sending the details.We will meet next week
Ram was wondering  of his visit and his good friend's Company function coincidence
(tobe continued)
See You Next Week

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