Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Article Published in The Gulf Today on 24,April.10.

When Iwas in the UAE, a friend OF Mine always insisted that i dye my hair. Iused to reply,Grey hair is the symbol of old age.Even if you use dye,your face will show that you are old.;Some people do not like be called uncle or grand father.
Recently, a funny incident happened to me in Singapore.While travelling in the train,Iwas standing near the door corner,waiting to get down at my station.There is a
seat for ear marked for the elderly and physically challanged people.One passanger was sitting on that seat.He saw me,got up and offered that seat.When i reached closer to him,he again ran back to his place.While getting down at his station,he whispered,Sorry,that seat is meant for the elderly.
Iam a retired person and kept wondering on what basis he had assessed i am not old.

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